Here he is, the new member of the Trash Creatures Collection! (The fifth- along with Josef, Mr. Nutter, Madame Lacloche and Pepa Pepper). His name is Johnson because that's what is engraved on his head. But he finds it too pompous and prefers to be called Box Bot.

Because he is a box. Well, his body used to be a gigantic metal tea ball, but now it serves as a keeper for small items perfectly well. And is Inox! Johnson the Inox Box Bot. No, too pompous again... just Box Bot.
He measures 13cm high and is very light, even if -except for a couple of rubber rings- he is made entirely out of metallic parts: the drum cover for the motor of an old travel hairdryer is the head, then he has vintage and new washers, nuts & screws to form the neck and limbs, the tea ball for the body-box, and two strange old pieces that I cannot even remember where they came from are his shoes (they are marked number 40 and 41.... even if they have the same size!)
Supongo que me lo borrarás rápidamenente (y por mí, ok), sólo era para sugerir que a Johnson le falta una nota de kolor ;o) y para decirte que los pies me suenan, pero no me acuerdo de qué (cajita de música???)
ReplyDeleteNoooo, no se puede poner 'nota de color' a todo- éste es metálico entero, completamente intencionado desde el principio. Es un robot-robot, de pies a cabeza ;ºP.
ReplyDeleteLos pies creo que son piezas para sujetar cables, por eso tienen tres agujeros con rosca para tornillitos. Salen de algo tipo máquina, nada delicado o 'bonito' como una caja de música.... eso lo dejamos para trash creatures con otro aire :º)