There was this little plain cheese preserver. Uneven tray made out of untreated wood. Plastic cover. That was it. It fell in my hands.

And I sanded the tray till it got perfectly flat and all round and soft in the corners. And treated the wood with a solvent-free stain.
And I added four small wooden knobs in the bottom to make dainty legs; then painted the carved areas green to stress their cute lines, and varnished it thoroughly. Much better!
But it needed something else. So I made a nosy handle for the lid.
Mr. Mouse has a wooden doorknob for body, enormous ears made out of two tagua beads (the 'vegetable ivory' from Ecuador: hand-dyed and sliced nuts) secured with tiny nails, a bronzed hook as the tail, a small vintage wooden pawn (to which I chopped the 'head' off!) to form the nose, and Indian glass beads for the eyes and the tip of the nose.
Now it is a cute cheese preserver that measures 19x13x13 cm and will cheer up any kitchen.
Muy lindo. Cómo has pegado al nosy en la tapa? Y qué pena que no haya foto del "antes", con la plancha sosa sin el verde y sin ná...
ReplyDeleteJo, yo te lo compraría todo-todo-todoooooooo!!!!!!!!
Es verdad, con el furor de la 'creación'se me pasó sacar las fotos del 'antes'.... en fin.
ReplyDeleteEl pegamento es del tipo Epoxi -o sea, una base acrílica pero dividido en dos componentes que se vuelven duros como cemento una vez mezclados.... lo MEJOR! Creo que a este tipo de pegamentos los llaman 'adhesivos estructurales'... no es para menos. Si tiras la quesera de un tercer piso igual se rompe la tapa o se raja la base, pero desde luego el ratolí no se despega! jaja. (además, sería imposible si no, sujetar piecitas tan pequeñitas o en equilibrio como la punta de la nariz..)