Josef, my first robot!

Hey, it was about time to come round here and deliver a post... the thing is that I have been refurbishing almost non-stop since last September, and lately that activity has taken all my time and energy. Not that is not rewarding, but I HAD to produce something more 'artistic'.
So I came up with Josef.

He's 20 cm high and mainly made of two chunks of scrap wood, a spring and some screws... all parts found in my house or that got separated from their original places after one of my 'interventions' (ehrm).
Josef is quite a cheerful bot, not bothered at all with the fact that his right ear came up a wee defective and has to constantly tune it... that's what he is doing, just in case you may think he is into Flamenco dancing or something, he he.
Only when he was finished I realised that he is actually quite similar to the hero bot in the cutest computer game 'Machinarium', and decided to name him Josef as a homage (that character is in fact named after Josef Čapek, the inventor of the word "robot"... oh well, suits me fine too)

So here they are, some pictures of Josef: I hope he's the first of many trash-sculptures! (ideas boiling in the attic for a while, ha ha- as long as it won't explode......)


  1. Ooooooooooooooooooooooh, ké lindooooooo, me encanta, kiero uno (o un primo, o un amigo)!!!!!!!!!
    No te dan ganas de hacer un corto de animación???!!!

  2. Psssst, por curiosidá: la antenita es un tapón de pegamento?? y la barriga-panza que sobresale, con qué esta hecha??
    Gran aplauso again ;o)
