Blue Salt Shaker Cat and Brown Pepper Mill Dog

The Trash Family keeps growing, yay! This cute new couple came in due to popular request; I tried to make them as similar as possible to their big brothers (see the previous post dedicated to them here) -but of course they are unique. I couldn't make any piece identical to another one, even if I wanted to -and that's the charm of my upcycled stuff that I treasure.

So here you have them both, from every angle and in full detail!

Made out of a wooden pepper mill, painted in brown mustard colour with brown details in the back and face. And all the addings are recycled metallic bits -including nails, washers, tiny screws, nuts, a section of pipe-holding-band for the collar, two hair clips for the ears and even a small chain and handle!
14cm high

Made out of a wooden salt shaker, painted in a blue-gray tone and with white details for the face and belly. All the rest of features are made out of recycled metallic bits and bobs: screws, tiny nails, washers, nuts, a hook, two picture holders, and even a very small vintage little bell...
13.5cm high

And a couple of pictures taken during the making proccess:

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