Dontcha think they're sexy? They have certanly overcome the sad days when they stood in a shop window, sporting those tacky tights from the eighties... now they stand proud and sleek and will brighten up any corner with their cheerful light.
Size: 80cm high, 20cm the diameter of the base.
Materials: vintage mannequin plastic legs, wooden bases, rebar, different kinds of wire, pipe holders (the ones for plumbing, not for smoking! haha), screws, washers and colourful fairy led lights (with seven programs of display to choose from).
It took me a long while to figure out how to put it up together, and had to trial-and-error more than usual, this time. The main question was how to make the string of lights stand vertically and steady inside the legs... till finally I came up with making a structure of strong wire around the rebar that supports the plastic, where the leds can be hooked and follow the shape of the outside leg (my cat thought this wiring part was extremely amusing...). Of course that meant that the original hole in the plastic base had to be bigger, but not so much that the leg couldn't be attached to the wooden base. And then the wooden base itself had to be able to safetly support the lamp structure, hide the box with the control for the lights but letting an easy access to it, and also look sleek at the same time. Phew.
Note: An earlier version of the Hot Legs was on display as part of the decoration in the presentation party for Nereida Production, 'Body Snatchers', on the 7th of May in Barcelona.
Click on the links for more information on what they do.
Zut, se perdió mi comment, vaya día! Muy chulas y muy divertidas, las jambes, muy originales, deberías hacer más (seguro que se te ocurren variantes). Y el vídio de Rod para anunciar la cosa, te mueressssss ;o)